Opportunities for businesses to adapt and renew

Opportunities for businesses to adapt and renew

The novel corona virus pandemic has undoubtedly had a devastating effect on our economy with  job losses, wage reductions and a sharp decline in business revenue. With physical retail stores , offices and social spaces closed, public traffic reduced and people encouraged to remain at home where possible, the way people engage with the world has changed. Less activity and less opportunities for customer engagement means less printing. This is compounded by the fact that in times of economic uncertainty and hardship, advertising and marketing are usually the hardest hit.

What makes this situation so unique is that while we have faced economic disruptions before, this is very different as not only has it impacted on business activity levels but because of health reasons, it has also changed how we do business. It has forced us all to adapt and to find new ways of working and connecting.

What the current pandemic has confirmed is that print will always be an essential service. Print is a vital visual communication tool. Billboards, advisory signage, way finding and social distancing markers has kept some business ticking. As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, we can optimistically look towards wider recovery but what will be the new normal and can we find new opportunities during this time?

COVID-19 has highlighted that proper hygiene and safety are paramount. We are much more conscious than ever about the transmission of bacteria and viruses. We have experienced first- hand that the health and wellbeing of people is intertwined with the health and wellbeing of the economy. Businesses and organisations are more open than ever to investing in initiatives to support safety and welfare.

Our industry can provide solutions that fulfil this need. There has been a huge rise in the demand for clear barrier screens in transactional areas.  These can be made from a variety of existing films available from suppliers – the main features needed are optical clarity and chemical resistance for cleaning. While the surge in demand will taper off, more non essential businesses are opening and protection will be a key concern for some time to come. Stores who initially set up make shift protection solutions will invest in more permanent structures. These protection films can also be printed to incorporate instructional or decorative elements.

Office and working spaces are also predicted to change. While there has been a trend towards more wide open communal type layouts, the need to maintain physical distance and protect the workforce will see a return to more contained spaces and partitions between workers. Waiting rooms and reception areas will also need to be reorganised. These changes represent both functional and decorative opportunities for our industry with barrier screens, privacy films and printed graphics.

People can be further protected indoors by the application of  anti- microbial surface solutions.  The anti- microbial coating market is set to rise exponentially. Anti-microbial products kill or slow the proliferation of micro organisms including bacteria and viruses. The ability for this functionality to be incorporated into self- adhesive film means we are able to provide this as an added value application. Films can easily be applied directly to high contact surfaces or over graphics. While today it cannot be said that anti-microbial adhesed films directly kill COVID-19, this is only due to the fact that testing of such a dangerous virus is highly regulated making testing in laboratories difficult. However as the focus is now on this application it will only be a matter of time before this will be confirmed for adhesive film laminates.

As well as effecting how we do business, COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the consumer mindset. Lockdown restrictions have forced people online and to adopt new purchasing behaviours. It has highlighted to retailers that they need to have an effective online presence more than ever. Many are investing in software and marketing to drive and service business online. Even though restrictions on retail are easing, getting consumers back to normal routines will take time. The habit and comfort of online buying won’t change overnight.

Retail is a huge driver in large format printing with point of sale being an incredibly influential in store medium. Research has shown that on entering the store buyers purchasing decisions can be influenced as much as by what they see in store as what they knew before entering the store. If consumers continue to purchase online and pick up by click and collect or have delivered , retailers and brands may be motivated to invest more of their marketing budget in online engagement than in  POS. We will need to remain creative and innovative to secure ongoing advertising print business .

With the population much more conscious of hygiene and transmission, those that enter a store will want to feel safe. The prediction is that the in store experience will need to evolve. We will see more self service automation and checkouts.

Self service checkouts, social distancing, unattended retail technologies and contactless service will be important to build customer confidence. These all still present opportunities for print with decorative, functional and instructional signage. Print can also be used to link to online information and demonstrations so customers can access product details with less human interaction. Providing cost effect promotional media that in store personnel can apply themselves will also maintain the attractiveness and viability
of print.

This is still a time of great uncertainty. As things slowly return to some sense of normality we can start to recover our business. In the meantime, let’s not forget there are opportunities we can create for ourselves. We are an industry that was founded on brush and paint, one that has progressed and experienced great change. We have not only adapted but have been a driving force in our evolution and with that same mentality we can continue to thrive.

Written by Denise Kirby

Denise Kirby has over 27 years experience as a supplier of self adhesive products to the sign and print industry. Initially starting out in the family business as a distributor of  consumables she went on to work for leading self adhesive manufacturers in marketing , business and product development roles across Australia and New Zealand.  She now has her own business, Kirbyco, which focuses on environmentally friendly, recyclable and sustainable print solutions.

Denise is highly passionate about the industry and enjoys writing about applications and opportunities in print in and signage with the goal of inspiring people to explore new creative and functional opportunities with film as well as educating the industry on products, trends and new innovations.

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